
Monday, September 28, 2015


In elementary school, I learned what hard work was. It may seem irrelevant now but I struggled with my time tables in the 3rd grade. It took awhile for me to get them all down pack. It took practice and determination. Not only was I taught to practice and taught that determination to learn but I was taught in school to never give up. I couldn't just give up in 3rd grade because I didn't know what 9 times 4 was. I couldn't just give up because I didn't place in the math derby that year. School strengthen me. It gave me a confidence that is now stronger than ever. 62 million girls don't have that chance.

In middle school, I learned about the other aspects of the world. I learned of different languages, different countries and had a basic understanding of my country's politics. My school felt like a universe filled with learning and knowledge that just kept entering my brain through my ears and my eyes. My teachers inspired me to want to do more, say more, think more. 62 million girls don't have that chance.

In high school, I learned that I could be ANYTHING I wanted to be. From academics to the arts, I learned more than just how to read and write. I learned how to sing, how to act, how to stand up for myself. I learned life lessons that shaped my life and shaped me into the woman I am today. 62 million girls don't have that chance.

Now that I am in college, I want to help those #62MillionGirls be the change in this world. Can't is not a word. Girls can do anything. We can do anything. 62 million girls can have that chance with our help. Support Let Girls Learn today!

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