National Coffee Day!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hey yall!
Happy National Coffee Day! My love for coffee is unexplainable. I have to have some form of caffeine in my system at least 3-4 times a month. I started drinking coffee my first semester of college (Summer 2014). One of my friends took me to Starbucks on our college campus. I asked her to make her best suggestion to me. I wanted something sweet and chocolaty because I had been really stressed that week with school. Surprisingly, the cashier got my name right the first time. I saved that cup too I was so shocked. Anyway, she suggested the mocha cookie crumble which Starbucks don't have on their menu anymore. I instantly fell in love.

OOTD - Way Back Wednesday!

Hey yall!

It's Wednesday! Empire comes on tonight! That's really why most people look forward to Wednesdays don't ya think? My favorite character has to be cookie of course! Her style and her character is something else. Who's your favorite character on Empire? Scroll down below to my poll and vote. When the season finale airs I will post the results to my blog!

You can never get tired of Empire, but we must move on to the post for the day! Here is my Outfit of The Day from Way Back. I took these pictures on July 4th, not even knowing that I will have a blog two months later. I wanted to show my... "Celebratory Feelings" (Jesus I couldn't find a word for that). So I wore a white top with some red lipstick. I thought adding a navy blue piece would just be too much. Everyone was trying to incorporate all three colors in their outfit and I just wanted to stand out and be different.


Monday, September 28, 2015


In elementary school, I learned what hard work was. It may seem irrelevant now but I struggled with my time tables in the 3rd grade. It took awhile for me to get them all down pack. It took practice and determination. Not only was I taught to practice and taught that determination to learn but I was taught in school to never give up. I couldn't just give up in 3rd grade because I didn't know what 9 times 4 was. I couldn't just give up because I didn't place in the math derby that year. School strengthen me. It gave me a confidence that is now stronger than ever.


Hey yall!

Today is Monday! Where did the weekend go? If you were like me this morning, I did not want to get up. I snoozed my alarm so many times it's awful. If you can imagine, I'm not blogging from my desk, but from the comfort of my own bed. That's a Monday for ya. And what makes it even worse is that the sun is not shining and it's supposed to be cloudy all this week! Bummer. I've been working on my pictures and hopefully I'll have some good quality pictures to post for you guys.

How to: Have a Yard Sale

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Happy Sunday Dolls and Gents!

Looking for an extra way to earn some cash? Do you have over a gazillion clothes in your closet that you don't even wear? Are you turning into a hoarder? Well this post is just for you! This past weekend my family and I had a yard sale and it was very successful!

5 Ways to Boost Your Mood!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Hey Dolls and Gents!

Sometimes we just don't feel our best, it's understandable. We're not perfect! We're just human beings all trying to make it in life. When I'm not in the best of moods I tend to do these 5 things and I want to share them with you!

I nominate you.... for the Liebster Award!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hey Dolls and Gents!

Soooo, this is only my 3rd blog and I'm already getting nominated for stuff! How cool is that?! Vianca from Smiley Shares nominated me for the Liebster Award and if I must say it is a great honor. Especially being a new blogger. I started this blog just yesterday not knowing how it would turn out. I know its only been 24 hours but I think its off to a great start. I've read so many of Vianca's blogs and my favorite one is when she does "Songs of the Week"! I absolutely love the fact that you share your musical interests with the world. Her blog is definitely an inspiration to Aiming2Inspire!

National Daughter Day - A Letter to My (Future) Daughter(s)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The first day of Fall, the premiere of Empire, AND its National Daughter Day. My Mom is my everything. I love her with all my being. I'm sure that's how everyone feels about their Mom. Mom's are awesome. They clean your room, do your laundry, and make all your meals. It's our duty as daughters to support our mothers, love them, and be there for them when they need us. I want my daughters to be just as good as a daughter that I am to my mother and even better. No one is perfect. There is plenty of times I could have been a better daughter to my mother. I'm definitely not saying I was that "rebel" type daughter. But I definitely had those teenage moments where I thought I knew it all, even better than my mother, and life whooped my butt in the process.

Hi, Hey, Hello!

Hi Dolls and Gents!,

My name is Tanisha and I'm starting a blog! As you can tell, I'm super excited and I can't wait to see where this blog goes. I made an About Me page that can be found in the right hand corner on my blog website. Just to finish that up, I am a sophomore in college and next month I'll be 20 years old. My teen years have been great. I have had a lotta ups and a lotta downs but as intimidating as your 20s could be I'm ready to see what they have in store. This blog is specifically about myself and the life experiences I go through or different things I might encounter along the way in my 20s. For the next 10 years I plan to talk about my lifestyle: College, Style, TV shows, Movies, Books, Relationships, Reviews, etc. I hope that through this blog my readers will be able to relate to some of the things I'm going to post about, and most of all be able to help you guys in similar situations. Feel free to comment yall! Can you tell where I'm from? A true southern belle. Feedback is encouraged and much appreciated. Follow me on my other social media outlets as well! Oh, and Happy First Day of Fall! :)