Finals, Finals, Finals. Don't ya just hate them? It's one long week of ultimate stress. Whether it's 50% of your grade or 10% of your grade, you're stressing out because you need a great G.P.A. for medical school, a Major requirement, a scholarship, or maybe you're one of those people that just want a great G.P.A. It's important that we do well on our finals. But let's get serious, finals drive us insane. 100 questions on this test. That test isn't even multiple choice! What?! No multiple choice?! Imagine that laying on your conscious all week. Without the positive encouragement of others and your basic essentials needed to prepare for finals, you'll be walking, talking, thinking way too much! Good thing you have Aiming 2 Inspire to tell you some awesome ways to prepare for finals.
This week is the week that will determine if you were a good note taker this entire semester. If you're like me, after that good midterm grade you just sat back and relaxed. You felt great and didn't really write word for word like you did the first 8 weeks of school. Tisk, tisk, tisk. Don't do that next semester. I'm confident that I will be okay and of course, pass my final. But notes are important, especially if your final is cumulative. If you've been out for a couple days, didn't get any notes? Ask a friend in the class. Or maybe you're anti-social like I am sometimes, especially if you go to a huge University. Just ask a friend you have that may take the same class with the same professor just at a different time than you. It's important that you have and know the material so you won't go in the classroom, open up the exam, and don't even the know the answer to the first question. Bummer. Oh, and don't forget to return all textbook rentals before your due date. After finals are over, you may be so relieved that you forget all about them! But don't, because you might get charged a late fee, or even may have to pay for the book. Yikes!
Last semester while studying for my Chemistry final I discovered a cool trick off of Pinterest. If listening to music is apart of your everyday life like it is in mine, then you should definitely make a Pandora account, and listen to their Hip-Hop instrumental station. I have no idea what it is, but the music without words just gets you so focused. Made a B on my Chem final. I'm not saying it'll get you a good grade, but its definitely something you might want to try if you can't go hours of studying without listening to some type of music. If Hip-Hop isn't your thing, they have plenty other instrumental stations to fit the genre of your liking.
My first semester of my freshman year I was up until 3 and 4 a.m. studying for my final exams. What the freak?! Who does that?! While you're up getting no sleep, which is bad, studying your butt off, there's a chance you might get hungry. While I was glad I didn't put on the freshman 15, I had tons and tons of snacks. Quick things you can make is popcorn, which should make you feel full for some time. Honey buns, muffins, Little Debbie cakes. Fatting? I know. But its worth it when you haven't slept in hours and you need an A on that Physics final!
Study Groups
I love Study Groups. Two is better than one. A team always work best. But! If you know within your heart that you and your friends are some goofballs, then don't create a study group with your friends. Nothing is ever going to get done, ever. You're going to end up talking about how Sally got with John, and then the guys are going to start talking about football, and the nerds are going to talk about how they thought this was right and what was wrong on their Organic Chem test last week. Save the drama and don't waste your time. Finals week is the quickest, most agonizing week in the semester. Form a study group where the group is going to be effective and is going to give you that extra boost toward an A. Even if that means not being with your friends.
Office Hours
Office Hours aren't for everyone. Some people have probably went through college and have never been to Office Hours. But going to your professors Office Hours might help in one or many ways. For me, just talking with my professor about where I am in the course makes my anxiety levels go down. You need that one on one, even if it's just through an email. You can also go to Office Hours to get confirmation on how you're doing in the course, what's going to be on the final, what you need and don't need to study, and if you have to possibly take the course over. Although going to see your professor out of the time you see him on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 2 until 3:15 may be intimidating, during finals week, it may be necessary.
I honestly think that Starbucks make their most money during finals week. Haha! Coffee will get you through the day and the night when it's finals week. I personally still drink Frappuccino's in the winter. Okay, let's be honest, I drink them year round. And even though Frappuccino's don't have as much caffeine as anything else might have, it's just enough to get me to 3 a.m.
You have to stay hydrated unless you want to miss your final because you're in the E.R. with an IV in your arm. For every cup of coffee you drink, especially if it's a Vinte dear Lord, please drink 16 ounces of water after it. Keeping your body hydrated is very important, especially during finals week. You're probably going to be so stressed this week that you're barely going to want to move. You're going to have headaches and all that good stuff. But guess how you can avoid all of that? By drinking water. If you have a water bottle, use it. Take it with you to the library. Take it with you to the study group meeting. Stay hydrated!
Now it was never my intentions to stay up until 3 a.m. studying for a Physics exam. I don't think its anyone intention to study late at night. I hope students don't go and say, "Hey, I'm going to plan to study from 2 a.m. until 5 a.m. on Tuesday".... Please don't do that. Haha. Get the sleep you deserve. If you can put yourself on a study schedule. When you wake up, eat breakfast, then study for 2-3 hours. Then eat lunch and study again for 2-3 hours. Then finally eat during, study a bit before bed and get your sleep. Doctors suggest that you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. No need of breaking your REM cycles.
This is the time to hit up the REC before you leave for Christmas break. Get you some cardio in, or even do some basic yoga. I'm not really a fan of yoga. I know, surprising right? Most bloggers are, not this one girlfriend. I love to get on the treadmill and walk/speed walk 3 miles. Head to Spotify and put on your favorite playlist and just walk off all of that stress. It's so relaxing. If walking is not your thing, well on the treadmill at least, then get on the bike in the REC. It's riding a bike. I know you can ride a bike for 20 minutes. Any exercise is good exercise. Trust me, you'll feel great afterwards and ready to tackle any questions your finals throw your way.
Index Cards
These are good for English or terminology classes. If you're taking a Literature class and have to identify authors with their works then this is a good studying strategy. Index cards can also be used in study groups. For study groups larger than 3, you can break up into smaller groups and quiz each other with the index cards. If you're like me, you'll go through about 2 or 3 index card packs a semester. Thank God they're only $2 at Wal-Greens.
Taking breaks is just as important as studying. Some people only take breaks to sleep, eat, or go to the bathroom. Those are common breaks. Take a personal break. Walk around campus, get some fresh air. Chill at your favorite coffee place. FaceTime or Skype your family to let them know how you feel and how bad you can't wait to get home. You need time to relax. Yes, finals and studying are important, but you also matter. Chill and relax.
One thing I always tell myself is that Grades Don't Define How Intelligent You Are. You fail a final? So what. You did your best and that's all that matters. You fail a class? Yeah that's pretty bad, but is it the end of the world? These are the things we have to repeat to ourselves as college students. College isn't only suppose to teach us about whatever we're studying. You're more than that Business, Chemistry, or Creative Writing degree. You're more than the B you made on your project that you worked so hard on. Just because you don't do so well in a class, it doesn't determine who you are or who and what you will become. College has taught me that. So what you can't graduate in the Spring? You have to graduate in the Fall? Cool! Your time is coming. Don't rush it. Don't feel like you have to do things a certain way just because your family said so or your advisor said so. You're in control of your life, and if you couldn't pass Economics, then try it again next semester! Don't give up. And don't let the disappointment of others affect how you feel about yourself. Know within your heart that hey, I tried my best, and I am absolutely okay with that. I hope you got a lot more from this post than just the ways that you can prepare for finals week. Don't forget to follow Aiming 2 Inspire on Instagram and Twitter, and like me on Facebook. Remember to inspire, and be inspired!
Tanisha B.
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